CARMEL FINE ART GALLERY ONLINE MARKETPLACE WE BUY, SELL & CONSIGN EARLY CALIFORNIA ART PAINTINGS BY MAJOR ARTISTS OF CARMEL AND THE MONTEREY PENINSULA ON EXHIBIT & FOR SALE Shop the Art Association For Plein Air, Landscape, Seascape, Figurative, Still Life and Abstract Art Our current inventory includes early original oil paintings by Judith Deim (also known as, Barbara Stevenson), as well as, a collection of abstract expressionist artwork spanning 60 years by the late, prominent and notable members of the Carmel Art Association, artists Victor Di Gesuand Janet Ament de la Roche. Also on exhibit and for sale is work by Joan Savo, Alain Thomas, Ali Golkar, Virginia Conroy, Dick Crispo, Anthony Rappa, Helen Barker, Joe Ataide, Elsie Dill, Louise Fisher MacDougall, A. Wilson, Jane Bradford, Martin Silverwolf, Jim Casteel, and A. Lindsay Price.